2The Purpose of the Tranquil Earth Alliance is to foster a sense of world community for those who seek positive human connections, spiritual wellness, social solutions, and alternatives throughout their daily endeavors.
Our final bylaws will be published on Tranquil Earth News as soon as a full board is established. But this is the direction we are going:
1. Name and Purpose:
1.1 Tranquil Earth Alliance.
1.2 The Purpose of the Tranquil Earth Alliance is to foster a sense of world community for those who seek positive human connections, spiritual wellness, social solutions, and alternatives throughout their daily endeavors.
1.3 To support Prison/Criminal Law reforms worldwide.
1.4 Implementation of the Norwegian Normality Principle in prisons worldwide.
2. Membership:
2.1 Trust and Mentor/Mentee Agreements must be maintained as conditions of membership.
2.2 All members shall undergo biannual evaluations in order to ensure that good and progressive standards of conduct are being sustained.
2.3 Membership may be terminated by repeated contract and behavioral violations.
2.4 All ethics violations and matters of aggrievement are encouraged to be addressed and resolved immediately. These matters may be addressed in anonymity with guarantee of there being no reprisals.
2.5 The culture of Tranquil Earth Alliance is that of inclusivity so there shall be no racial, age, or gender bias/discrimination within Tranquil Earth Alliance.
3. Board of Directors:
3.1 Operations of TEA shall be directed by a Board of Directors, led by it’s Co-Chairs DeAngelo Capone, Sara Heise, …
3.2 Position of Co-Chair is removable only after redress of detriment to TEA’s reputation.
3.3 Seats on the Board of Directors shall be elected positions to be voted on at a period of 2 years, removable by thoroughly examined dereliction of duties.
3.4 All members retain the right to vote for, or remove Board members.
4. Meetings:
4.1 Meetings will primarily be held online.
5. Committees:
5.1 There shall be a District Committee for each geographical division of the Tranquil Earth Alliance which shall function consistent with the efforts of the Main TEA Organisation.
5.2 Each District Committee shall have a Chairperson, elected by their District Committee, who represents their district on the Board of Directors.
5.3 Each District Committee shall be an extension of Tranquil Earth Alliance and subject to the authority and direction of the TEA Board of Directors.
6. Finances:
6.1 All business shall be conducted for the benefit of all of our members & the planet, civil service (public welfare), and in coordination with associations/organizations who hold similar agendas.
6.2 All donations (financial, clothes, food, etc.) shall be used for promotional and program supplies, fundraising events, to acquire property for organizational purposes and for beneficiaries of Tranquil Earth Alliance.
6.3 Funds allocated for members shall be determined on a case by case basis.
7. Amendments:
7.1 Bylaws may be adopted or amended by the Board of Directors.
8. Dissolution: (This will be discussed with the full board, once established).